Confeitaria Romi excels in personalized service, dedicated to providing delicious moments. It's a nice and cozy place to dine: whether it's lunch, taking advantage of one of its cheap lunch menus, whether it's breakfast or a quick snack, where you can have a croissant or toast with a half of milk . You can simply take a break for coffee with a Hungarian. Confeitaria Romi offers a wide range of pastries, such as muffins, Berlin balls, pies and its well-known King Cake. Also highly praised are its savory snacks, including snacks and meatloaf.
Coffee, drinks, cakes, meals, savory
Monday to Friday: 8:00-20:00 Sunday: 8:30-19:00 Saturday: closed
Author:Cinco | 2020-06-18
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Comment:O melhor croissant misto da cidade Bom café.