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There are few more definite decisions than getting a tattoo. This is why it is important to ensure that the right place and person is chosen. Old Sailor Tattoo Parlor could be that site. Just a brief glimpse through your social media posts to admire the trait, style and creativity of artist Marco Afonso. No matter what style of tattoo you want (old school, new school, oriental, etching/engraving or black and dotwork) or why you want it done, you will find the right person in Old Sailor to help you realize that vision with quality and guarantee of a good result. You can also have your body pierced at this property.


Monday to Saturday 14h - 20h


Author:Tiago Rolino | 2019-12-01

Reception: Space: Products:

Comment:Simplesmente a melhor. Tanto em termos de profissionalismo, competência, disponibilidade, simpatia e resultados. Aconselho a toda a gente.

Author:Barbara silva | 2019-11-30

Reception: Space: Products:

Comment:Grande profissional e um grande artista. Hei-de voltar. Recomendo a 200%. Cinco estrelas.

Author:Tiago Cruz | 2019-11-27

Reception: Space: Products:

Comment:Marco excelente profissional, criativo, comunicativo, disponível, recomendo a todos interessados. 5 estrelas!

Author:Marco Afonso | 2019-11-27

Reception: Space: Products:
