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Terms and Conditions

Thank you for joining Shop in Porto!

Please read carefully these Terms and Conditions of service. The website and the mobile app are from now jointly designated as Shop in Porto. The references, in the present Terms and Conditions, to “we”, “us” ou “our” are referent to the Shop in Porto platform.

The gathering and use of information related to your registration and utilisation of the Shop in Porto platform are described in the Privacy Policy section.

Scope of services: The Shop in Porto platform, in its mobile app and website, was conceived by Munícipio do Porto. The goal of this platform is to give visibility to the street commerce in the city of Porto.

The Shop in Porto platform allows users to register as:

  • “Shop Owners”;
  • “Customers/Consumers”.

During the registration process, the user must provide correct, current and complete information, and must always keep updated its account and the information about the commercial establishment and/or about its profile.

The user must not register more than one account and may not assign or otherwise transfer the Shop in Porto account for others. The user is responsible for maintaining the confidentiality and security of its account credentials.

As responsible for the Shop in Porto platform, Município do Porto does not own, create, sell, resell, provide, control, manage, offer, make available or render any purchase, sale or advertising services.

The user, registered as a “shop owner”, is responsible for disclosing the establishment at Shop in Porto platform, providing the necessary information to the registration on the platform and the insertion, directly into it, of content related to “Now in Porto” section.

By making a purchase or sale, users (buyer and seller) are entering into a trade directly with each other. Município do Porto is not contract party or otherwise participate in any contractual relationship between users.

Município do Porto is not responsible, nor guarantee:

(1) the existence, quality, safety, suitability or legality of any merchant ads or services;

(2) the accuracy of any description of promotions, campaigns and special offers;

(3) the performance or conduct of any user or third party.

Município do Porto does not recommend any user, advertisement or service of a user.

Any reference to the “rating” or “evaluation” (or similar language) of a commercial establishment only means that it has been subject to a process of independent evaluation by users registered as “Customer / consumer” at Shop in Porto.

Such a description does not constitute approval, certification or warranty of the Município do Porto as regards any commercial establishment, including the identity or the background, or reliability, safety or proper.

The customer/consumer should act with due diligence when using the services of the merchant user or communicate and interact with other users, online or in person.

Photographs of commercial establishments are a graphic representation of a commercial establishment at the time the photograph was taken.

Shop owners must complete an online registration form provided by Shop in Porto platform.

Shop owners must submit the completed form on the Shop in Porto platform.

Joining the Shop in Porto Platform implies the payment of an annuity in the amount of 20 € (twenty euros). For first time merchants to register for platform, the payment of the first annuity confers a period of permanence and one year online visibility; This one-year period is counted after the online store is visible to platform users, even if the payment has been carried out more in advance.

Unsubscribe: You may unsubscribe at any time on the Shop in Porto platform, sending an email to

Município do Porto shall verify the conformity of the information and the submitted documents, and if the annuity payment, in the amount of 20€ (twenty euros) is regularized.

Município do Porto will collect photographic images of the store to be used on the Shop in Porto platform for presentation of the commercial establishment.

Once these images have been collected and processed, the commercial establishment profile will be online and visible to all platform users.

When creating, uploading, posting, sending, receiving, storing or otherwise make any content available through the Shop in Porto platform, the user is grant to the Município do Porto an authorization to access, use, store, copy, alter, prepare derivative works, distribute, publish, transmit, reproduce, disseminate and otherwise exploit this content in order to promote the Shop in Porto platform, on any media or platform.

Some areas of the Shop in Porto Platform have implemented Google Maps mapping. Use of Google Maps / Earth is subject to Google Maps / Google Earth Additional Terms of Service.

The Shop in Porto platform has an area for promotions, campaigns and special offers, called “Now in Porto”. Information about these special offers is the sole responsibility of users registered as merchants, therefore, errors or omissions of information concerning discounts cannot be may be charged to the Município do Porto.

The Shop Owner will not post, upload, send or transmit any content that:

  1. is fraudulent, false, misleading (directly or by omission or inability to update the information) or fallacious;
  2. is defamatory, libelous, obscene, pornographic, vulgar or offensive;
  3. promotes discrimination, fanaticism, racism, hatred, harassment or harm against any individual or group;
  4. is violent, threatening or promotes violence or threatening actions in relation to any other person or animal;
  5. promotes illegal or harmful activities or substances

Município do Porto may, without prior notice, eliminate or prevent access to any content that deem contrary to these Terms and Conditions, in effect at the time, or that may otherwise be harmful or offensive to the entity, users, third parties or heritage.

Users registered as customers / consumers can rate the commercial establishment they visited. Ratings and / or comments reflect opinions users and not the opinion of Município do Porto. The evaluations and comments are not validated by Porto before publication, nor is it their responsibility to ascertain their accuracy and they may incorrect or misleading information. However, the Municipality of Porto reserves the right to right to dispose of them without prior notice.

Users are prohibited from manipulating the rating system and comments in any way, for example, giving directions to a third party to write a comment positive or negative about another registered user.

Unsubscribe: You may unsubscribe at any time Shop in Porto platform, sending an email to

Feedback and suggestions for improvement: We appreciate and recommend that you submit your comments and improvement proposals on the Shop in Porto Platform. Can send us your feedback via email in the Contacts section.

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