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For over 50 years serving the city of Porto, Cancela Velha is a cafe specialized in meals and all kinds of snacks. Very close to the busy Avenida dos Aliados, in this establishment the main attraction is the very typical francesinha. Those who prefer other options have at their disposal the toasts, hamburgers, dogs and sandwiches menu. Cancela Velha also offers its customers a cafeteria service, which, together with its fast and efficient service and its welcoming space, make this an ideal place for a quicker lunch, for your breakfast or even for a mid-afternoon snack.

Coffees, teas, Francesinha, snacks, English, Portuguese and Spanish breakfasts

Monday to Saturday: 8:00-20:00, Sunday: closed


Author:Rui Campos | 2021-08-25

Reception: Space: Products:

Comment:Bom café a procurar sobreviver ao Covid 19

Author:Patrícia Mascarenhas | 2020-08-22

Reception: Space: Products:

Comment:Café tradicional numa rua central do Porto!
