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On the web platform or on the Shop in Porto mobile app, you can find the commercial establishment you are looking for according to the product or service you want to buy at a given time, according to your geographic location, the meaning of the store in the history of city, or also according to promotions, campaigns and special offers that the store onwer wishes to promote.

You can also access the suggested shopping itineraries or create your own itineraries, according to your personal interests.

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FAQs ⋅ Clients

Shop in Porto will make your shopping experience easier. It presents the shops that exist in the city of Porto according to your needs. For example, Shop in Porto allows you to search the stores near you, stores that sell a particular product, or even make itineraries based on your preferences. The Historic Shops of Porto (Porto de Tradição) are highlighted in Shop in Porto, as well as special campaigns and promotions, discounts and special offers, in live time, so you don’t miss the best opportunities that the commerce of the city offers you.

Anyone can register at Shop in Porto. The website and the mobile app are aimed at anyone who wants to know and / or rediscover the street commerce of Porto.

As a customer, you want to visit a quality street store where every purchase is an experience. Shop in Porto is the first online platform and exclusive mobile app for street shopping in Porto. By joining you will be able to access exclusive promotions and campaigns!
We want local and traditional commerce to be focused on customer experience and for that reason, when registering on Shop in Porto, you will have the possibility to check in and evaluate your shopping experience. You can evaluate the stores you visit and, depending on your involvement and participation in the scoring system, you can take advantage of special offers, campaigns and discounts.
By registering on Shop in Porto you are involved in the development of a competitive and sustainable local and traditional commerce, making it more attractive for inhabitants and visitors.

To join Shop In Porto you must register through the website or download the app to your phone or tablet. The app is available in iOS and Android versions and can be downloaded from the App Store and Google Play.

“Porto de Tradição” compiles the stores that have already been recognized by the Porto Municipal Council as historic stores in the “Porto de Tradição” project. You can create your itinerary of historic stores on Shop in Porto and follow your personalized map.

Yes, Shop In Porto has got geo-reference technology and can present stores close to you. This feature is unique to the mobile app, and you must use the camera on your phone or tablet to use it.

When you buy at a store registered on Shop In Porto, you can check in by pointing the camera on your phone or tablet to the QR Code available. When you check in at a store, you can evaluate it in 3 categories: service, space and products.

The “Now in Porto” section includes promotions, campaigns, discounts, happy hours and special offers taking place on the day you visit Shop in Porto. It is always being updated and allows you to make a quick decision on which establishments to visit “today” to take advantage of special offers.

This category presents stores according to a rating system. Each customer or consumer can evaluate their shopping experience in the store, reverting this evaluation to the classification of establishments as “Top Stores”. Here you can find the best shops in the city of Porto, according to 3 categories: space, service and products.

Suggested Itineraries are itineraries of stores that Shop in Porto suggests for you.

My Itineraries are itineraries of stores created by the customer or consumer, based on their purchase intentions, interests, and geographic location. If you particularly like a certain product, for example fashion accessories, you can create on the platform your personal itinerary of stores that sell this type of products. It is the customer/consumer who chooses which stores enter their personal itinerary and what name gives this itinerary. The platform does the rest, leading you to the stores of your interest!

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