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Just Fashion was born in 2004 and since then has been exclusively distributing several brands to the Portuguese market, operating in the three sectors: Men, Women, Children. It is a company dedicated to the trade and sale of clothing, has showroom and represents various brands of Women, Men and Children. In the segment 'Man', Daniele Alessandrini and HAMAKI-HO; in the segment 'Woman', Elisabetta Franchi and AnnaRita N; in the 'Child' segment, Monnalisa, Miss Grant, Twin-set, Junior Iceberg, Elisabetta Franchi La mia Bambina and Liu Jo. It has seven stores, representing a proximity of fashion at more affordable prices.

Outlet, men's clothing, women's clothing, children's clothing, accessories, Michael Kors

Monday to Saturday: 10:30-19:30


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Avenida da Boavista, 1541 - Ed Bristol

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