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If contemporaneity is marked by constant technological leaps and the search for the latest advances in this area, it is also true that the contemporary also involves the adaptation of old traditions and respect for the knowledge that hands have passed down to us over many generations. The Ponto Cruz Concept Store seeks to combine the current with the old, promoting a range of handmade products of Portuguese origin, offering a unique and original set of products to its customers. Illustrations, dolls, tote bags, Bisalhães crockery, photo scroll magnets, wallets, belts, earrings, rings, necklaces, are just some of the products you can find there.

Amigurumis, Bisalhães crockery, ceramics, tote bags, clothing, t-shirts, key rings, rucksacks, postcards, illustrations.

Monday to sunday: 11h - 19h

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Money, ATM, MB Way, Bank transfer


Author:Raviraj Jadeja | 2023-02-03

Reception: Space: Products:

