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Very close to the Boavista roundabout, rising from the Palácio de Cristal, Sapataria Vogue is located in what we can consider the second center of Porto. Sapataria Vogue sells men's and women's shoes. Here you can count on a welcoming atmosphere and personalized service, with expert advice and high quality products, shoes and wallets. From the window, with three long panes, you can observe the trends of the season, with shoes for all occasions, from informal, more sporty, day to day, to formal, also for daily life or for special occasions, such as weddings, baptisms, graduations, among others.

Women's and men's shoes

Monday-Saturday: 10:00 – 13:00 / 14:30 – 19:30


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Rua Júlio Dinis, 821

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Landline Phone:
22 600 0342


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